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Tell Your 

Oct 11, 2024, 12:00 PM CDT
The Momentary


Play Video

Universal Oneness

We are a global community driven festival celebrating:

- Creation

- Spirit or Soul & Psyche

- Family and Kinship

- Land, or Home, Place, & Mother

Join us for a groundbreaking event that celebrates the power of storytelling and the unity of humanity.

Created by Christopher Alexander Chukwueke and Tenisi Davis, in partnership with The Momentary, this festival is a program specifically designed for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) playwrights from all over the nation. It aims to discover and uplift talented individuals who have yet to be recognized or are on the rise in their careers. As the first festival of its kind in the South Central Region of the US, Kanini Festival provides a unique opportunity for BIPOC playwrights to rewrite their narratives and fearlessly tell the stories of their people.



Inspired by the thought-provoking exhibit 'We The People' at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, this year's festival theme is "We The People!" It traces the journey of American history, starting from when the Indigenous Peoples' ruled the land, to the Declaration of Independence, to the Emancipation Proclamation, and the fight for justice during the Civil Rights Movement. KaniniFest continues this powerful journey, amplifying the voices and perspectives of all of America's children.



  • Ages 18 and up.

  • Must identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color).

  • Submissions open February 15th, 2024 and close 11:59pm (EST) April 15th, 2024.

  • Video Submission - (Work sent without a video submission will not be considered.) Be yourself and have fun! In your video please answer the following questions:


1) How does your play fall in line with this year's theme: ‘We The People’?


2) As a BIPOC person, how does participating in this festival benefit you culturally?

  • The play must not have been: professionally produced, showcased, or performed. Staged readings are fine.


  • One person shows are accepted as well as scripts with up to 5 characters max. No musicals will be accepted at this time. Original works only!

  • Play may be 40 pages max. 25 pages minimum. (Must not exceed 1 hour in run time) 

Introducing Our Winners' Package:

As a winner of KaniniFest: A One-Act BIPOC play competition, you will receive an extraordinary array of benefits that will catapult your career in the world of theater:

1. Production of Your One-Act Play: Your winning play will come to life on the grand concert stage at The Momentary in Bentonville, Arkansas. We will provide talented actors, a skilled director, captivating costumes, dedicated rehearsal time, and a minimal yet impactful set design, ensuring that your vision is realized in its full glory.

2. Virtual Rehearsal Access: Gain an exclusive virtual link to witness the magic of your play's rehearsals. Observe the creative process, see your characters come to life, and experience the evolution of your masterpiece firsthand.

3. First Looks at the New Play Festival: Enjoy the privilege of being considered for the renowned New Play Festival at Theatre Squared in Fayetteville, Arkansas. While entry is not guaranteed, Theatre Squared's Director of New Play Development will review your work for potential selection, providing a valuable opportunity for exposure and recognition.

4. Networking Opportunities: Connect directly with influential theatre makers and industry professionals who possess the knowledge and resources to propel your playwriting career to new heights. Forge meaningful relationships that can open doors and pave the way for future success.

5. VIP Access to the Festival: Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of KaniniFest with exclusive VIP access for all three days. From captivating performances to insightful panel discussions, you'll have front-row seats to all the exciting events and experiences awaiting you.

6. Travel and Accommodation: We believe in supporting our winners every step of the way. That's why we will cover your airfare and accommodations, ensuring that your journey to The Momentary and North West Arkansa is as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

Join us on this incredible journey as we celebrate and elevate the art of BIPOC playwriting. Your talent deserves to be showcased, and we are here to make your dreams a reality.



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